
Warehouse bowls is fun, entertaining and a great team-building exercise
Warehouse bowls is a social, fun event where participants play lawn bowls, sometimes without shoes!
It can include a few drinks, a platter of delicious food and is an enjoyable night under lights for a little competitive fun.
Warehouse Bowls can be as simple or sophisticated as you want it to be.
Organise a group from your workplace or get some friends together to play with the lure of a prize or trophy at the end for the winner or winning team.
It's open to club members, business houses or sponsors with a platter of warm nibbles to finish off the night.
A raffle is held every night and substantial prizes are awarded at the end of competition.
Warehouse Bowls is a great event that can be relaxing and appealing to all manner of participants. Bowls is also a low impact sport and this allows for people of all ages to be included.
So invite your friends and workmates to enjoy a game of skill under lights at West's Tigers.
See you soon!
Interested? CLICK HERE for a Bowls Australia Learn to Bowl video.
WAREHOUSE BOWLS RULES at Wests Tigers Bowls Club Mackay
Four people per team. No more than two experienced bowlers. Team must find own subs.
Must submit a team name before the beginning of each season.
Cost - $40 per team per game - Regardless of number of players. This will include Green Fees, Raffle Ticket, Nibblies after game and a Break-up at the end of each season.
Time – 6.00pm to 9.00pm.
Dead End - Re-spot kitty on tee.
Three to team – leads and seconds play 2-2-1-1. Any more than two nights with only three players, lose two points each time.
Lead bowls kitty out of bounds maintains mat and opposing lead bowls kitty.
No EATING, DRINKING or SMOKING allowed on green.
No swearing, at least kept to a minimum. Please consider those around you.
No SITTING on edge around rinks.
No children allowed on carpet green unless playing bowls.
Any bowl out of bounds to be removed from the rink.
No dropping of bowls on carpet when delivering.
Scoring – Three points for a win and one for an end.
When two teams have a draw game each team receives 91/2 points.
When a team wins on a forfeit they will receive 8 points and the forfeiting team lose 3 points.
At 9.00pm game ends - Regardless of ends played.
CLICK HERE to contact Darryl for all enquiries about Warehouse Bowls at Wests.

Come early and enjoy a meal AT THE BISTRO